A fantastic piece of outdoor gear, perfect for staying warm and mobile during chilly activities like climbing. The brushed interior for warmth and stretchy fabric for mobility make it a versatile choice for cold-weather adventures. The balaclava feature is a nice addition for added protection.
Material: Stretch CLIMAPLUS® (47% nylon + 36% polyester + 17% polyurethane)
- Weight: 326 g
- Color: Navy (NV)
- Size: S, M, L, XL ()
Style #1106734
Actual color may vary
- Stretch CLIMAPLUS® is highly breathable and maintains mobility
- Smooth face easily slides under other layers
- Backside of fabric is brushed to retain warmth
- Flat Seam Technology eliminates bulk along seams and promotes a smoother touch
- Thumb hole brings coverage and warmth over the back of the hand
- Slant-Tec Cuff provides stretch even when pulled up to your forearms
- High neck and hood work as a balaclava
- Zip End Guard protects your chin and face
- 3 zippered pockets (1 chest pocket, 2 hand pockets)
Technical Systems
4-way Stretch: Made of a material that has vertical and horizontal stretch. Excellent mobility for intense activities.
Face Guard Zip: A flap protects your chin and face from direct contact with the zipper.